Mixed Bouquet

Mixed Bouquet

Mixed Flower bouquet can use for many occasions such as birthday, anniversary, wedding, concerts or any other occasions. Our flower shop use the main flowers of roses, lilies, gerberas and carnation etc. mixed with seasonal matching flowers. Normally can be kept between 5 to 7 days at the room temperature. If you want the flowers to be last more longer, please remember replace the water of the vase everyday and add a little fresh flower preservative, so the roses can be more brilliant and lasting.

Calla White

Calla White

White Roses with White Calla Lily in Vase Beautiful Calla lilies and White roses are simply set a..


Carnation Bouquet

Carnation Bouquet

Carnation Bouquet ..

HK$560.00 HK$590.00

Chrysanthemum and Asiatic Bouquet

Chrysanthemum and Asiatic Bouquet

Chrysanthemum and Asiatic Bouquet ..

HK$660.00 HK$760.00

Chrysanthemum Bouquet

Chrysanthemum Bouquet

Chrysanthemum Bouquet ..

HK$610.00 HK$710.00

Colorful Hydrangea Bouquet

Colorful Hydrangea Bouquet

Three Different color of Botany flowers with fillers beautifully wrapped with a light brown color pa..

HK$660.00 HK$790.00

Colorful One

Colorful One

Colorful Rose Bouquet with One and a Half Dozen Pink, Purple and White Rose beautifully wrapped with..


Crystal Blue Roses with Hydrangea Bouquet

Crystal Blue Roses with Hydrangea Bouquet

8pcs Crystal Blue Roses with 2 mixed color Hydrangea ..

HK$960.00 HK$1,010.00

Daily Special Discount Flowers - Forget me Not Bouquet

Daily Special Discount Flowers - Forget me Not Bouquet

Light Purple Color Forget me Not Bouquet, 20pcs Forget me not flowers in light purple color, its a k..

HK$309.00 HK$790.00

Dream lover

Dream lover

Dream lover ..

HK$690.00 HK$760.00

Florists Choice Mixed Bouquet

Florists Choice Mixed Bouquet

Florists Choice Mixed Bouquet ..

HK$560.00 HK$590.00

Florists Choice Mixed Bouquet 1

Florists Choice Mixed Bouquet 1

Florists Choice Mixed Bouquet 1 ..

HK$710.00 HK$790.00

Florists Choice Mixed Bouquet 2

Florists Choice Mixed Bouquet 2

Florists Choice Mixed Bouquet 2 ..

HK$710.00 HK$730.00

Florists Choice Mixed Bouquet 4

Florists Choice Mixed Bouquet 4

Florists Choice Mixed Bouquet 4 ..

HK$710.00 HK$720.00

Gerbera , Lily and Iris Bouquet

Gerbera , Lily and Iris Bouquet

Gerbera , Lily and Iris Bouquet ..

HK$560.00 HK$690.00

Gerbera and Chrysanthemum Bouquet

Gerbera and Chrysanthemum Bouquet

Gerbera and Chrysanthemum Bouquet ..

HK$610.00 HK$660.00

Showing 31 to 45 of 103 (7 Pages)


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